王行乐, 邵正泽, 董洪春, 魏达秀, 陈群, 姚叶锋

Studies on the 1H NMR Spectral Features of Hydrogen Molecules in the Interstices of SiO2 Particles
WANG Xingle, SHAO Zhengze, DONG Hongchun, WEI Daxiu, CHEN Qun, YAO Yefeng
图4 样品3的自扩散系数测定实验结果. (a)~(c)分别对应在2%、7%、10%梯度强度下的氢气扩散谱;(d)空隙内外两种氢分子信号强度ln(I/I0)随(gγδ)2(Δ-δ/3)的变化. 图中“in-pore”代表空隙内氢气分子信号强度,“ex-pore”代表空隙外氢气分子信号强度
Fig. 4 The experimental results of the self-diffusion coefficient determination for Sample 3: (a)~(c) correspond to the diffusion spectra of hydrogen gas under diffusion gradient strengths of 2%, 7%, and 10%, respectively; (d) the relationship between the ln(I/I0) signal intensity of two types of hydrogen molecules (inside and outside the nano pores) and (gγδ)2(Δ-δ/3). The term 'in-pore' in the figure refers to the signal intensity of hydrogen molecules inside the pores, while 'ex-pore' refers to the signal intensity of hydrogen molecules outside the pores