王行乐, 邵正泽, 董洪春, 魏达秀, 陈群, 姚叶锋

Studies on the 1H NMR Spectral Features of Hydrogen Molecules in the Interstices of SiO2 Particles
WANG Xingle, SHAO Zhengze, DONG Hongchun, WEI Daxiu, CHEN Qun, YAO Yefeng
图2 三个对照样品的核磁共振氢谱及样品示意图. (a)样品1的谱图;(b)样品2的谱图;(c)样品3的谱图;(d)~(f)分别为样品1、2和3的示意图,其中黑色阴影代表加入的二氧化硅
Fig. 2 1H NMR spectra and schematic diagrams of three control samples. (a) Spectrum of Sample 1; (b) spectrum of Sample 2; (c) spectrum of Sample 3; (d)~(f) schematic diagrams of Sample 1, 2, and 3, respectively, where the black shading represents added silica dioxide