3He极化系统中FID NMR线圈的优化分析及实验验证
罗庆金, 吴良勇, 王雨婷, 闫海洋, 向一峰, 陈思宇

Optimization Analysis and Experimental Verification of FID NMR Coil in Polarized 3He Systems
LUO Qingjin, WU Liangyong, WANG Yuting, YAN Haiyang, XIANG Yifeng, CHEN Siyu
图2 圆柱形原子气室与线圈位置示意图.FID线圈对称地放置于柱面两侧,射频信号作用于y轴方向,泵浦光方向和主磁场方向均与z轴平行
Fig. 2 The schematic diagram represents the position of the cylindrical atomic chamber and the coils. The FID coils are symmetrically placed on both sides of the cylindrical surface. The RF signal is applied in the direction of the y-axis, and the direction of the pumping light and the main magnetic field are both parallel to the z-axis