Laplace NMR谱图重建——从经典正则化到深度学习
杨钰, 陈博, 吴柳滨, 林恩平, 黄玉清, 陈忠

Spectrum Reconstruction for Laplace NMR: From Handcraft Regularization to Deep Learning
YANG Yu, CHEN Bo, WU Liubin, LIN Enping, HUANG Yuqing, CHEN Zhong
图8 不同信噪比条件下不同算法对T2分布的计算结果[53].红色线代表参考理想值,红色虚线为经典算法(BRD)计算结果,黑色虚线为加入注意力机制的多尺度卷积神经网络(ATT-CNN)计算结果
Fig. 8 T2 distribution results of different algorithms under different SNR conditions[53]. Red solid lines denote the ground truth, red dashed lines are the results of classic algorithm BRD, and black dashed lines represent results of ATT-CNN