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Squeeze-and-excitation Residual U-shaped Network for Left Myocardium Segmentation Based on Cine Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images
WANG Hui#,WANG Tiantian#,WANG Lijia*()

图7. 使用SERU-net算法得到的舒张末期左心室心肌质量(ED-LVM)和收缩末期左心室心肌质量(ES-LVM)与金标准的相关性和一致性分析. 相关性分析:(a) ED-LVM;(b) ES-LVM. 一致性分析:(c) ED-LVM;(d) ES-LVM

Fig. 7. Correlation analysis of (a) end diastolic-left ventricular mass, and (b) end systolic-left ventricular mass between SERU-net segmentation and ground truth. Bland-Altman analysis of (c) end diastolic-left ventricular mass, and (d) end systolic-left ventricular mass between SERU-net segmentation and ground truth