
Investigation of Dynamic Structure of Protein Encountering Complex with Paramagnetic NMR
ZHAO Chang,GONG Zhou
图5 (a)~(c)三种遭遇复合物RMSD值随时间的变化;(d)~(f)三种遭遇复合物EIIAGlc与HPr质心间距离随时间的变化;(g)~(i)三种遭遇复合物的分子动力学模拟60 ns内结构变化示意图,其中Ec代表遭遇复合物(Encounter Complex,EC),Sc代表特异性复合物(Specific Complex,Sc)
Fig. 5 (a)~(c) The RMSD plots of three encounter complexes in three parallel trajectories; (d)~(f) The distance plots of three encounter complexes in three parallel trajectories; (g)~(i) The structure change schemes of three different encounter complexes during 60 ns under MD simulations, Ec represents encounter complex (Ec), Sc represents specific complex (Sc)