
Investigation of Dynamic Structure of Protein Encountering Complex with Paramagnetic NMR
ZHAO Chang,GONG Zhou
图4 EIIAGlc/HPr E5C (a)和EIIAGlc/HPr E66C (b)在缓冲液中的系综计算结构.其中包括EIIAGlc(黄色)和HPr(蓝色)的特异性复合物,EIIAGlc/HPr E5C和EIIAGlc/HPr E66C复合物中的HPr分子的质心以灰色圆圈表示.根据HPr在EIIAGlc表面的位置可将其分布方向分为三个簇,用虚线圆圈表示
Fig. 4 Calculated ensemble structures of EIIAGlc/HPr E5C (a) and EIIAGlc/HPr E66C (b) complexes in dilute buffer. The specific complex of EIIAGlc (yellow) and HPr (blue) are shown as cartoon, and the mass center of HPr molecules of the calculated EIIAGlc/HPr E5C and EIIAGlc/HPr E66C complexes are shown as gray dots. According to the location on the EIIAGlc surface, HPr molecules are divided into three clusters marked using dashed cycles