
Magnetic Resonance Compatibility Analysis Method of Surgical Robotic System Based on Image Quality Evaluation
LI Pan,FANG Delei,ZHANG Junxia,MA Debei
表2 测试模体与机器人系统选用的MRI协议
Table 2 MRI protocol for the mockup and robot system
扫描参数名称 ACR 2D T1w SE ACR 2D T2w SE 3D T1w GRE
翻转角 90? 90? 10?
重复时间/ms 500 2000 8.5
回波时间/ms 20 80 3.82
信号平均数 1 1 2
接收带宽/kHz 16.6 16.6 66.6
扫描时间/(min:s) 3:43 11:24 2:12