
Magnetic Resonance Images Segmentation of Synovium Based on Dense-UNet++
Zhen-yu WANG,Ying-shan WANG,Jin-ling MAO,Wei-wei MA,Qing LU,Jie SHI,Hong-zhi WANG
图4 应用于相同的滑膜磁共振图像数据集,采用不同激活函数的UNet模型的DSC和IOU曲线. (a) DSC曲线,使用ReLu激活函数;(b) DSC曲线,使用Swish激活函数;(c) IOU曲线,使用ReLu激活函数;(d) IOU曲线,使用Swish激活函数
Fig.4 The DSC and IOU curves of UNet model with different activation functions applied in the same synovial magnetic resonance data set. (a) DSC curves, UNet with ReLu; (b) DSC curves, UNet with Swish; (c) IOU curves, UNet with ReLu; (d) IOU curves, UNet with Swish