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Two-Dimensional Homonuclear Orthogonal-Pattern Phase-Sensitive J-Resolved NMR Spectroscopy Based on Pure Shifts
Xiao-qing LIN,Shi-jia DU,Hao-lin ZHAN,Yu-qing HUANG,Zhong CHEN*()

图8. 不同磁场环境下,使用HR-G-SERF方法获得的雌二醇样品的高分辨2D J-编辑谱. (a)分子结构信息和所观察的偶合网络;(b~d)均匀磁场下的1D NMR谱、激发H-9及H-15α的2D J-编辑谱;(e~g)不均匀磁场下的1D NMR谱、激发H-9及H-15α的2D J-编辑谱(根据文献[53]修改)

Fig.8. High-resolution HR-G-SERF experiments on the complex sample of estradiol under different magnetic field conditions. (a) Molecular conformation and observed coupling networks; (b~d) 1D NMR and HR-G-SERF spectra acquired in a well-shimmed field with selected protons 9 and 15α, respectively; (e~g) 1D NMR and HR-G-SERF spectra acquired in a inhomogeneous with selected protons 9 and 15α, respectively (Reproduced from Ref. [53])