Fig.3. PSYCHE based orthogonal-pattern phase-sensitive J-resolved spectroscopy, RASA2DJ. (a) Pulse sequence diagram constituted of 1D PSYCHE and echo-train J acquisition module. A presaturation (Presat) module is adopted before the first nonselective π/2 pulse for water suppression. Vertical bars indicate nonselective π/2 and π pulses, two semicircle shaped pulses with diagonal arrows are frequency-swept chirp pulses with small flip angle β ≪ π/2, G1 and G2 are coherence selection gradients, G3 is a weak gradient matching with chirp pulses, t1 is the indirect evolution period and t2 is the direct acquisition period, SW1 is the spectral width corresponding to t1, and T is the time interval between two adjacent π pulses. (b) The procedure of phase-sensitive processing is illustrated using a singlet peak in a 2D phase-sensitive spectrum, including preserving an original spectrum and generating an F1'-reversed spectrum, summing these two spectra, and performing 1D phase correction along the F2' dimension (Excerpted from Ref. [44])