高树树 1,2,徐舒涛 1,*( ),魏迎旭 1,刘中民 1
Applications of Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Methanol-to-Olefins Reaction
Shu-shu GAO 1,2,Shu-tao XU 1,*( ),Ying-xu WEI 1,Zhong-min LIU 1
图6. 298 K下SAPO-35 (a, d)、SAPO-34 (b, e)和DNL-6 (c, f)内甲烷的1H PFG NMR信号随梯度场强变化谱图(a~c)和甲烷自旋回波信号变化曲线(d~f);(g) PFG NMR方法测定和MD模拟的甲烷自扩散系数;(h)甲烷自扩散系数的实验和模拟值随浓度的变化;(i)甲烷的自扩散系数随温度的变化[68]
Fig.6. (a~c) 1H PFG NMR signals decay with linearly increasing gradient magnetic field strength in 16 steps for SAPO-35 (a), SAPO-34 (b) and DNL-6 (c) measured at 298 K. (d~f) The corresponding spin echo attention of PFG NMR on the log-linear scale for SAPO-35 (d), SAPO-34 (e) and DNL-6 (f) measured at 298 K. (g) The self-diffusion coefficients of methane acquired by PFG NMR and MD; (h) The loading dependence of experimental and simulated self-diffusion coefficients for methane; (i) The temperature dependence of self-diffusion coefficients for methane[68]